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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Need a liaison

After three calls – to Tufts, NEVOG and the regular vet – and finding out that NEVOG didn’t receive the CBC results from Monday so that can’t give me a clear picture, I am frustrated.  Got the regular vet to fax the report over and got a fairly quick return call from Dr. Cronin.  She says that, at this point, it’s not the chemo that is making him sick/nauseous. Any nausea from the chemo usually occurs in the first week.  The current bout of nausea could be part of the disease but it also could be left over from the GI distress.  We have an appointment to see Dr. Philibert at NEVOG on Friday morning at which point we’ll have a clear idea as to what our next step will be.


After I got off the phone with her, I called Rich at work to have a brief crying jag.  I am so upset that Watson seems nauseous again… I am adamant that he not vomit and start the cycle that we had this past weekend.  I don’t ever want to see him that miserable again (nor do I ever want to see black vomit again).  Am I overreacting?  Perhaps… but perhaps not.  I will be wishy-washy like everyone else.


I tried to give him the 10mg Reglan pill wrapped in a pill pocket, but this time he wouldn’t take it.  Luckily, I still have 4 of the Reglan syringes that were given to me by our local vet on Saturday.  I administered 1 syringe of 5mg/ml sub-q; he seemed annoyed at being poked, so I will observe and see if he needs a second or not.  I’m unsure if 10mg in the tummy is more or less effective than 5mg under the skin.  Again, not a doctor or a nurse… but sadly, giving sub-q shots are getting easier for me.  I remember having to give our cat, Sparky, his sub-q fluids (due to renal failure) a few years ago.  Each time I did it, I would sit there and cry while he got his fluids.  Now, after doing sub-q again on Watson… it’s just like riding a bicycle (as sick as that sounds). 


Just got a call from the local vet.  I should be seeing improvement after the sub-q shot. If no improvement by the second or third, then it’s time to worry again.  We’ll see if he perks up.  I’ll be hanging onto my sanity by my fingertips this evening…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it's easy to say, but as long as he hasn't started vomiting that's good news. Personally, I don't think that eating grass invariably means that a dog feels sick - although it depends how much and the manner in which it's done.

It's so easy to worry about everything with what you're going through, and I'm in no position to tell you not to - but do try and give yourself a break. Give yourself half an hour 'off' worrying, and we'll do it for you. That way, you get a breather and Watson's still got a huge collective amount of goodwill heading his way. Kepp strong! Graham, Tilly & Prince xxx