
Help feed shelter dogs!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Not a good morning...

So, it seems like we went to bed with one dog and woke up with another. Up until last night, his energy has been good and he's been eating and drinking well. This morning, though, his energy is blah and he has no interest in food. I called Dr. Philibert at NEVOG and he said that some dog’s red/white counts will continue to go down even at the 10-day mark (today is Day 11). He said to let him rest, try to feed him something bland but most importantly keep him drinking. He also prescribed some anti-nausea meds that I need to go pick up from CVS later today.

I am trying not to panic. We are stepping down his prednisone (now at a quarter-tab or 5mg) so I knew it would affect his appetite. But he is so very lethargic this morning. I wrote to the Canine Cancer forum asking if this is normal or if I should be panicking….. I am trying to hold onto positive thoughts but some days it is harder than others.

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