
Help feed shelter dogs!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So far, so good

It's been a quiet morning so far. Watson slept like the dead last night and it literally took me 10 minutes to get him out of bed. He's kept down every drop of water that has passed his lips, but has only minimal interest in eating. We had to pill him this morning so I will count all that wrestling about the floor as my exercise for the day!

There has been some straining to produce solid waste, with some specks appearing but nothing substantial. Dr. Evason warned that this stool will be soft for the next few days, so I think he is just clearing out what was left in his colon. He's resting comfortably and as long as he stays hydrated, then I am hoping that the appetite will come along shortly.

No word from NEVOG yet on when he can go for his next chemo treatment.

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