
Help feed shelter dogs!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


So Watson did really well on the trip to vet and back to pick up his x-ray films for tomorrow's onco visit. Total round trip was about an hour and a half. Usually it's shorter if I am just dropping by to pick something up, but I brought him in so we, of course, had to socialize. I had a bowl of ice water in car for him (I drive a small SUV so I fold the seats down so he has a big area in back.) but he didn't drink enough. That is perhaps the only thing that worries me about tomorrow's trip. The drive to Waltham is longer than today's, so I will just have to be vigilant about making him drink.

I picked Waldo (our basset pup) up from daycare (his first day) and he is more than tired. I liked getting him out of the house and away from Watson for a while so the Old Man could get some rest. It worked. Waldo is so tuckered out that he can barely open his eyes. It will be nice and quiet for the rest of the night.

As for Watson's GI distress, the fasting seems to have worked. I only fasted him for about 6 hours and started by feeding some spoonfuls of Innova Evo wet food. No rumblings in the tummy yet (yes, I actually put my ear there to listen) so I will take that as a good sign.

All in all, I feel more calm about the past week. It's been such an upheaval - in schedule, in sleeping patterns, in everything - that I really felt out of it. Rich is coming back from Seattle a few days early so that also makes me feel better.

For once, I am shutting down the computer before nightfall. I'm going to enjoy some time with my boys. The next update will be late tomorrow after the onco appointment. I will either be hopeful or in pieces depending on what Dr. Philibert tell me.

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