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Thursday, September 27, 2007

A "Jug" at the Dog Park

So, Waldo and I found the dog park. Ironically, it's located in a town I lived in about 7 years ago. Back then, the town wasn't dog-friendly at all. And now they have this lovely fenced-in park specifically for dogs. Fantastic.

Interesting, though, the people and dogs you meet at a dog park at Noon on a Thursday. I was hoping to meet others who are young, hip-ish and who also work from home. No such luck. I hung out with Grandpa Greg and his beagle/basset mix Rudy. They were about to leave when we showed up. Apparently Greg and Rudy hung out for about 30 minutes by themselves before we arrived.

Coming in after us was Rosco, a "Jug". A Jug? Yes, apparently he is a Jack Russell mixed with a Pug. Curious. I had heard of Labradoodles (Labs mixed with Poodles) and Puggles (Pugs with Beagles) but never a Jug! He was cute, small (about 15-20 pounds, tops) and was a very fast runner.

It got me thinking though, about the notion of designer breeds. Apparently Pugs are often bred with other kinds that have a longer muzzle so as to avoid the breathing problems that purebred Pugs experience. But what complications are also being bred into the lines? Are these breeders accredited? How exactly does that work?

No offense to anyone reading this who has a designer breed. I, for one, have always been fond of rescue dogs and if I am going to write a check to buy a dog, I would rather that money go towards a rescue organization than a private breeder. Watson was a beagle/basset mix and I always thought that unholy union happened by accident. What makes a Puggle or a Jug not a "mutt"? Anyone know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a 1 year old Jug named Bella, and I have to say that I much prefer to call her a mutt or a "jack-pug mix" than a Jug. We didn't get her because we wanted a "designer dog", but simply because my husband works with a woman who had bred her first litter and wanted them to go to people she knew and trusted. Bella has the high energy of a Jack with the sweetness and snoring of a Pug, and we love her dearly! But, our Vet did tell us while the breathing problems had been bred out, she still had the deformed front legs of a Pug and the long low body of a Jack, both of which could cause problems in old age.