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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Crying over pizza

I was making a pizza for dinner tonight and one thought brought me to tears. Pizza was Watson's favorite food, especially Digiorno Four Cheese. He would sit and wait forever for just one small piece of this crust. He didn't have that kind of reaction to any other food.....

On the morning of the day he passed away, it occurred to me that I should probably try to get him to eat using one of these... but we didn't have one in the freezer so my thought was to cobble together a faux pizza from bread, sauce and cheese. Lord knows I had tried everything else..... I never got to do it though, and have not thought about pizza since that day. Tonight's dinner was merely an entree of convenience. Sad that pizza can make me cry.... but I can't help but wonder if I had not gotten distracted, if that would have been one thing he would have eaten...? I guess I won't ever know the answer, huh.


Anonymous said...

Once again, I'm totally with you on this. Prince loved sausages, and the whole cooking process was something we thoroughly enjoyed together, as well as the eating of course! I just can't cook them without him watching me intently from next to the oven door, knowing I'll save him some.

We're a right pair aren't we?! You crying over pizza, and me over sausages....

Lesley Rigby said...

Please don't beat yourself up over the Pizza Linda. He wouldn't have eaten it. I think this is part of the thinking process as time passes, to start thinking what if? I don't know whether or not you read Benji's mothers blog (one of Graham's links) but I remember her saying after three weeks you start to wonder would he have lived a bit longer if we had done this, tried that? I have these thoughts and I am sure Graham has also. The whole family know of you and Watson and we think of you. You must never regret one thing because you gave 100% of yourself to loving and caring for Watson and he knows that!