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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Petscreen / healthy cookies?

I can’t believe another week has flown by! Yay, Friday! Work has been absolutely insane and I feel like I can’t get a grip on the fact that it’s (a) winter and (b) the holiday season. I now understand why old people are always talking about how time flies and how life “used to be…”

Anyway, I have both a question and a piece of info. Folks in the UK like Graham and Lesley may have already heard of Petscreen, a company based in Nottingham. The company has developed a screening test for canine lymphoma. I don't know many details about it since I am still reading through their web site. As far as I know, Petscreen is not very well known or available in the US. Has anyone outside of the UK heard of this screening? If so, have you done it? Please leave a comment and share your thoughts/experience.

Also, I am on the hunt for a healthy dog cookie recipe. I have found countless dog cookie recipes on the web, but would like a recipe that has been tried and tested by someone I know. Upon reading the labels on dog treats, I am appalled at the number of ingredients that I can't pronounce. Right now, I feed Waldo the dried chicken breast treats or the natural dog treats from my local pet store. The cookies have less than 10 ingredients and all are naturally occurring. If you have a dog cookie that you can share, please leave a comment as well! Perhaps we can have our own version of a canine cookie swap.


Anonymous said...

As you say, I have heard of Petscreen here in the UK. For some reason that I can't explain, the idea scares me. In the case of lymphoma ignorance certainly isn't bliss (do you have the reverse of that phrase in the US?), but the idea of having Tilly screened each year still scares the living sh*t out of me for some reason.....

I knew nothing about Petscreen before Prince was diagnosed, so there PR and take-up even in the UK must be limited I think.

Linda Seid Frembes said...

Hmmmm, the reverse of "ignorance is bliss"? Knowledge is power? No... not sure.

I am torn about Petscreen. I found them because I have a Google alert for "canine lymphoma" hits. I signed up for their mailing list on their web site. I will post their response. They have an interesting strategy for outreach.

HandH said...

Hi, I do know of someone who used Petscreen for relapsed lymphoma, to work out which chemo agent would work best - unfortunately it was none of them :-(. It's a different service to the precautionary screening. Petscreen are also working on osteosarcoma markers at the moment in the UK, and asking for dogs with osteo to donate a blood sample.