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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summertime and the living is easy

Day 4 of a heat wave and the pets are hot! We are camped out under the A/C and 2 fans trying to keep cool. Waldo is getting a steady stream of ice cubes, while Peanut has figured out that if she sits on the arm of the couch, she can feel a nice breeze coming out of the window A/C. Smart girl....

We are celebrating two, yes TWO, birthdays today. My niece Lauren turns 8 and Waldo turns 2 today. Before I knew we were getting the hot weather, I had planned to bake him a cake today. Considering it will reach 94 degrees F, I will run to the market to get him some Frosty Paws instead!


Lesley Rigby said...

Birthday kisses for Waldo! I'm sorry I am a bit late reading your blog and actually missed the birthdays.
Whenever we had very hot weather and Prince was "Toasting", I used to throw one of his towels into the washing machine, give it one rinse, spin it, and then wrap him in it along with a big hug. He loved it!! He loved any physical contact though....

Fiona said...

Happy Birthday Waldo! I am a little jealous of your heat wave although I know that the animals find it tough. We always get the hose out when it's hot. They love it!

Phil said...

No such warm weather over here; we're still waiting for summer to happen :[]